Insurance Claims

Insurance Claims: A Guide from E&K Contracting

Damage to your home from mother nature can be a stressful time.  E&K Contracting is here to help you get your home restored and good as new again.

If your home was damaged from hail, wind, tornados or hurricanes this may be the first time you have had to interact with your homeowner’s insurance claim department.  This brief overview of the insurance process explains the basics of what to expect.

Step 1
Call to schedule and appointment

Contact E&K Contracting today to schedule a roof inspection. Our team of experienced professionals will assess your roof’s condition and provide you with expert advice.

If you notice visible damage, leaks, or suspect other problems, don’t hesitate to call us immediately. We can provide emergency services to address urgent issues and prevent further damage to your home.

Step 2
Inspector visit

If the inspectors find storm-related damage we will then assist you filing your claim with your insurance company.

Step 3
Review your claim

Your insurance company will send you a detailed claim.  E&K will review the claim with your insurances adjuster to ensure that all items needed to restore your home are included.

Step 4
Sit back and watch the transformation

E&K Contracting will complete your construction and fully restore your home to its pre-storm condition.

 - EK Contracting - Your home...Our priority -  -